If you’re ready to upgrade your body and mind on a new, healthy lifestyle with your spouse, here’s a few tips from couples who’ve been there, done that successfully — together!

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For couples who take on the challenge of losing weight together, the shared experience can mean less work — with much more reward! Take a peek into real-life, couples’ weight-loss success stories and how they managed this important health journey together — what they learned, what they loved, and what weight-loss tips worked for them.

  1. couple2-weight-loss-success-stories-BodyFitTelemedYour relationship will become a priority again.When you and your partner are working together to accomplish something, you’re essentially bonding — maybe in a way you haven’t before. That was true for the Johnson’s*, Joann and Mark, from Holmdel, New Jersey.
    A pregnant Joann encouraged Mark to lose weight so that he’d be a healthier dad for their growing family; she recruited him in the mission a month after their second baby was born. “With two kids, we had to start focusing on the future,” remembers Joann. “We knew we needed the health and energy to keep up with our kids and give them a healthy, active lifestyle.”
    She had lost 35 pounds and he has lost 73 pounds. “Now we shop for food and cook together, eat together, and exercise together. It’s definitely brought our family closer. We even argue less, and have become a happier couple because of this shared goal.”
  2. You’ll have an in-house support system. Countless studies have shown that support from people close to you is important part of weight-loss success, which is why having a built-in support network is one of the biggest perks to losing weight as a couple. Just ask Mary K., a 38-year-old woman from Sacramento, California, who dropped 113 pounds alongside her fiancé, Justin, 43, who lost about 58-pounds on the HCG Diet.
    “When one of us doesn’t feel like eating healthy, we are always there to be supportive and remind each other that we will regret it if we don’t,” she says. “Whenever we workout together, we push each other to get more out of our workouts.”
  3. You’ll establish new healthy habits together. Trisha Matthews, from Boise, Idaho who has lost more than 275 pounds together with her husband, now has more time and energy for being active.
    “When Brian was struggling with obesity, he was always exhausted and never wanted to leave the couch except for work,” Trisha says of her husband. “Now he has so much energy that we’re always on the move or doing something outdoors. Before, we would just be sitting at home.” A new habit for us now is that Sunday’s are now grocery shopping and food-prep day, a routine that has been crucial to their success.
  4. Couple3-weight-loss-BodyFitTelemedLosing weight could get competitive — and that’s a good thing. Diet bets are popping up everywhere — online, in gyms, at weight-loss classes, and as informal wagers among friends, spouses, and coworkers. They’re big because they work, especially when there’s monetary wagers involved.
    A multi-center study of 57 dieters found those who stood to lose money if they didn’t succeed in shedding weight were about five times as likely to reach their goal as those with no financial stake in the outcome. Putting money, ego, and bragging rights on the line is a potent formula for keeping up your motivation.
    “There are many days we I want to blow off my workout because I’m feeling lazy, tired and sore. But when I know Barbara is working out, it makes me get off my butt,” says Jeff. “I almost feel bad if she’s putting in the work and I’m not.”
  5. It might be easier than you think.Think you’ll be at each other’s throats if you try to take on such a challenge as a duo? Afraid the “hangry” pangs may make you bicker? Reality may prove otherwise.
    “What has surprised me the most through this experience is how well we actually worked together,” says Marty T. “I thought it was going to be problematic. But right from the beginning, we were really supportive of each other. The connection in our relationship has also grown; there is just something about a couple going through the same test every day that really strengthens your bond.” he adds.
  6. Your entire family will enjoy the benefits.When family and friends start noticing your results, the positive influence can be contagious. “Our friends and family are so proud of us and are always asking us for tips and tricks,” says Trisha. “Most of our friends and family are now on the same weight loss journey to become healthier after seeing how much better we feel, and knowing that you can do it and still live a realistic life.”
  7. The changes to your health can have life-altering effects.For one successful couple, losing weight not only meant they both saw health & energy improvements — it also allowed them to address their fertility challenges.
    “We were having trouble getting pregnant and went to see a fertility specialist, who told me I had to lose 30 pounds before he would even consider doing anything to help us. It was a powerful motivator” says [Anon]. “So together my husband and I got serious about losing weight. After a 56 day round on the HCG diet, and walking, I lost 57-pounds.” With the help of IVF, the couple got pregnant and now have a son who will be 8-months old next week.

If these couples can do it, so can you! Check out other weight-loss success stories for more tips on how to get started.

*Names have been changed to protect personal privacy. Couples pictured may not be those interviewed for this article.

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